Monday, November 14, 2011

Stupid Russian

You know what really sucks? The following: being the only one who is raising their hand, knowing all of the answers, and NOT getting called. It can really piss a person off. No? Because I really think everyone feels that way. Then, the ONE TIME you're NOT raising your hand and not paying attention, you get called on. WHAT IS THIS?!?!?! Y'know what I mean? It's really frustrating... Cuz I'm sexy and I know it!



  1. she know you know every thing so she wants to call on people that dont know.

  2. that doesn't make it any less frustrating...

  3. you. know. the. whole. alphabet. you. get. an. a. on. every. quiz.

  4. do u know how annoying it is to not get called on when you're paying attention and then to stop paying attention and get called on the second u do and getting chastised for not following along. I WAS! SHE JUST DIDN'T BOTHER TO CALL ON ME! it really kills one's self-esteem...
