Monday, November 28, 2011


I haven't posted in a while, before my review. If thats what you wanna call it. So I decided to post. First of all, I would like to encourage all of you crazy kids to check out this blog. It's quite entertaining, nd one of my many loves blogs it soooo... ya. check it out. :) And now, i shall tell u all about my great fail. As most of u know, our fabulous school has a panther pride panther pride rotating schedule. because my history teacher lied to me, i thought that today was supposed to be pride, and that i HAD to stay up til 12:04 am to finish my project. guess wat! today was a panther day! my project was ACTUALLY due tomorrow! sarcastic feeling: yaaaaay! legit feeling: HELL NO! needless to say, i was fairly pissed wen i walked into school and was told today was a panther day. I nearly strangled the first kid who broke the news. it was baaaaad. also if ur into REALLY bad puns, cuz u know u r, dont deny the passion! this site has some really good ones. or r they technically bad? hmmmm.... Because I am sexy and I know it!


p.s. this final sentence of the blob is dedicated to lilly, miss grammar ocd. also, for her, it is "zzzzz" free, cuz she is a window.


  1. i clicked that and it RUINED MY DAY.
    or made my day. i'm not really sure.

  2. Who was the first person to tell you it was a panther day?

  3. @Rush: r u talking about the good/bad puns or the link to ur fabulous li'l blog which u love me for posting?

    @Lilly: i think it was lauren... maybe... or gabby... or the kid who opened the door... i forget who that kid was, but i remember knowing the person... i cant remember who it was, i remember being REALLY angry tho...
