Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Let's Recap!

Nothing exciting or new happened today, so I'm going to recap what happened yesterday. I went to the library with Renee yesterday! I skipped Aegis. Shame on me, I know. After that, I got home, showered, dressed all fancy-like in my fancy stuff and went to my field hockey banquet. We talked ate good food, got free bags, all in all, it was a good time. However, I missed glee. :( So, I'm going to watch it once I finish this post :). I got home just in time for The New Girl and got to watch that and Raising Hope. I was up 'til 12:04 doing homework. English nearly killed me. Seriously. But I survived! And today I was super tired, with headaches and all. It was not fun. And my mom made me go grocery shopping. For 2 hours. It was not fun. My feet hurt. A lot. I almost died. But I lived. Cuz I'm sexy and I know it.


p.s. lololol! YOU SNEAKY MOM! XDDD also, 2+2 is... 2+2 is 5! actually, no, it's 4, but you were really close. XDDDD


  1. awwwwwwwww, you poor baby. if your feet swell past the size of basketballs you should probably get them checked out.

  2. they are quite red, thank you for caring, but beauty is pain, and awesome boots tend to hurt feet, so I shall live.
