Wednesday, November 30, 2011

YouTube is a wonderful place!

So, septembergirl8618's a fail. I gotta say it. See for yourselves. She's a fail, really and truly. no joke. major fail.

Also, harrison1115 is awesome.

Drunk is the future tense of drink. Get it? LMAO! :D


also, more internet fun, if you have a tumblr, follow this page. I have NO idea who this person is, but the stuff they post is TOTALLY awesome. The pictures are gorgeous. my only problem is that I cant get a recipe when i click on a picture of food -_- but its ok, because at least i get to say that I saw a delicious cream puff with blue icing on top. how gorgeous is that?!?!?!?!?!?! its so plain yet so beautiful at the same time. don't make fun, i'm a foodie. what can i say? Cuz I'm sexy and I know it!


Monday, November 28, 2011

and now.. please welcome... THE BIG TIME TRAFFIIIICCCC!!!!

last post today, I promise. Ally and I have decided to start a band. its name will be the big time traffic. We were just talking and potential song lyrics filled up the page of my skype window, and then, we just knew, that this band, and our greatness, was meant to be. we were meant to be procrastinating doing our hw, on this fateful night, and we were meant to reach deep into our souls and pull out these magical words and we just knew that they were meant to be shared with the world. our first song's lyrics are really deep and meaningful to us, and we predict it'll be top 5 in the first 10 minutes. MAAAAYBE 11. You, my loyal followers, will be the first to see our great lyrics, when we finish them. purple coco puff shabawamoo, out. Cuz I'm sexy and I know it!

~Ana (a.k.a. purple coco puff shabawamoo)


I haven't posted in a while, before my review. If thats what you wanna call it. So I decided to post. First of all, I would like to encourage all of you crazy kids to check out this blog. It's quite entertaining, nd one of my many loves blogs it soooo... ya. check it out. :) And now, i shall tell u all about my great fail. As most of u know, our fabulous school has a panther pride panther pride rotating schedule. because my history teacher lied to me, i thought that today was supposed to be pride, and that i HAD to stay up til 12:04 am to finish my project. guess wat! today was a panther day! my project was ACTUALLY due tomorrow! sarcastic feeling: yaaaaay! legit feeling: HELL NO! needless to say, i was fairly pissed wen i walked into school and was told today was a panther day. I nearly strangled the first kid who broke the news. it was baaaaad. also if ur into REALLY bad puns, cuz u know u r, dont deny the passion! this site has some really good ones. or r they technically bad? hmmmm.... Because I am sexy and I know it!


p.s. this final sentence of the blob is dedicated to lilly, miss grammar ocd. also, for her, it is "zzzzz" free, cuz she is a window.

Eon/Eona by Allison Goodman

So, the first book, Eon, was a little sketchy. There was a bunch of times where I was like ummmmm..... ehhhhhh... i'll buy that.... maybe.... I guess.... In that book, i hated prince kygo. nd ido. they were both BIIIIIIIG meanie butts. true story. In this book, I thought Eona would end up with her master, kygo, or dillon. One of them dies, the other goes crazy nd one (in the 2nd book, towards the end) was like, hell yes Eona and (insert name or mr. sexy-awesome-half-douche-bag man here) for the win!!!!!!!!!!! throughout both books, I felt REALLY bad for Ryko. Dela was... eh. she was awesome, nd then she was not. nd then she was eh. I like girl Dela more than guy Dela. guy Dela's pathetic. I disliked Eona's mom. I mean, really? Chart was a cool dude in the first book. But then, in the end of the 2nd book, it was like YOU BUTT! AFTER ALL SHE DID FOR YOU?!?!?! Needless to say, I was a bit angered. I TOTALLY hated Yuso from the beginning of when he showed up in the 2nd book. screw him. he doesn't deserve any favors. Ido was all hate first book, but then at the VERY end I was like... u still suck, but i KIND OF pity you. Nd then the nd book was a whirl wind! I was like ... at first, then he was saved nd i was like grrrr nd then i was like ha! suck it! nd then i was like... hmm.... nd then i kinda liked him... nd i kinda disliked kygo... cuz he was REALLY rude... i lied. it was a steadily growing hate, not really a dislike. ryko was quite rude too. he was a real ass. but i still felt bad. but, back to ido... then at the end it was like i feel bad... i hate him... i like him... i hate him passionately. all in the span of like 5 pages. it was intense. thoughts sent to lilly via skype:
[11/28/11 7:30:54 PM] Ana: omg!!!!!!! just finished!!!!!!!!!!
[11/28/11 7:31:01 PM] Ana: i kinda thought she'd choose ido
[11/28/11 7:31:11 PM] Ana: nd then she chose kygo
[11/28/11 7:31:16 PM] Ana: nd ido "killed" him nd i was like :O HOLY SHIT! nd then
in my head the author wsa like awww yaaaaaa! wat now bitches nd i was just like :O
[11/28/11 7:32:16 PM] Ana: nd then he lived nd i was like :O HOLY SHIT!
yaaaaa. good stuff. as you can see, i'm fairly bad at reviewing things. i apologize. so, that's my review. i've also decided that i'm not going to bother with weekly reviews, cuz i know i'm gonna forget. I know that thats kinda hard to decipher, so if u hav any questions, ask in the comments :). ummm.... ya. Cuz I'm sexy and I know itzzzzzz!


P.S. my final sentence of the paragraph above... wat am i saying? thats more of a... blob. i guess. but not a paragraph, under any means. anyways, the last sentence of it is dedicated to mintyfreshyrushpoozzzzzz. love you man!

P.P.S. for those of you who are thoroughly interested, i DID like this series

Sunday, November 20, 2011

I'M BACKK! d'ya miss me?

So, I keep forgetting to post, but i remembered today! today was the haverhill parade for band and let's just say that there's a reason they call it haver-HILL. i had the WORST luck in the history of bad luck. my mouthpiece fell in the mud, my reed with it. and then my reed and ligature fell on the street. my music thingy fell twice, a bee attacked me, and i lost the music for parade set #2. worst. parade. ever. i was STARVING and my legs KILLED. we went uphill for forever. and the hill was SO steep. i almost cried. it was bad. but then we got free food after. and we had SO much fun on the bus after. Lilly wouldn't let me lean on her, so i shouted, LILLY STOP SUCKING! that was hilarious. and everyone was wearing regular pants under their uniform pants, so we were all taking off our pants. THAT was funny. one of my friends was complaining that they were uncomfortable, so we were all like "just take off your pants! just do it!" XD it was REALLY awkward. but we had a good time! we licked each other's elbows, told some funny stories, sang some songs, all in all, it was both a good and bad experience. if i can come up with a way to miss the parade and just go for the food and bus ride back. i would. so, that was my very exciting day. Cuz I have great sexual appeal and I am quite blatantly aware of this fact!


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Let's Recap!

Nothing exciting or new happened today, so I'm going to recap what happened yesterday. I went to the library with Renee yesterday! I skipped Aegis. Shame on me, I know. After that, I got home, showered, dressed all fancy-like in my fancy stuff and went to my field hockey banquet. We talked ate good food, got free bags, all in all, it was a good time. However, I missed glee. :( So, I'm going to watch it once I finish this post :). I got home just in time for The New Girl and got to watch that and Raising Hope. I was up 'til 12:04 doing homework. English nearly killed me. Seriously. But I survived! And today I was super tired, with headaches and all. It was not fun. And my mom made me go grocery shopping. For 2 hours. It was not fun. My feet hurt. A lot. I almost died. But I lived. Cuz I'm sexy and I know it.


p.s. lololol! YOU SNEAKY MOM! XDDD also, 2+2 is... 2+2 is 5! actually, no, it's 4, but you were really close. XDDDD

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

La la la la la...

I'm super tired. yup. I really am. no joke. for realsies. and now i'm in french. started this post in history. i probably should've finished earlier, but there's not much to talk about. except that i'm tired. did i mention that? cuz i'm REALLY tired. true story. and i have a headache. and i may have double-booked myself. death by renee doesn't seem like a good way to go... cuz i'm sexy and i know it!


Monday, November 14, 2011

Stupid Russian

You know what really sucks? The following: being the only one who is raising their hand, knowing all of the answers, and NOT getting called. It can really piss a person off. No? Because I really think everyone feels that way. Then, the ONE TIME you're NOT raising your hand and not paying attention, you get called on. WHAT IS THIS?!?!?! Y'know what I mean? It's really frustrating... Cuz I'm sexy and I know it!


Sunday, November 13, 2011

Fruit Salad... Yummy yummy...

My friend's over my house... i'm wearing reindeer antlers... she's wearing a valentine's day headband... we're singin wiggles/christmas songs... good times... we're soon to make banana bread! Yaaaaay! I'll post the recipe here later :) we're alos gonna watch Anastasia. Bartock's the man.I went to brunch at a Turkish place in Boston today.. but my bffl missed it :( 4 days left 'til i can get my kindle fire! YAAAAAAAAY! super-mega- awesome- excitedness... cuz i'm sexy and I know it!


Banana Bread
3 or 4 ripe bananas, smashed
1/3 cup melted butter
1 cup sugar
1 egg, beaten
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 teaspoon baking soda
Pinch of salt
1 1/2 cups of all-purpose flour

Preheat oven to 350°F (175°C). With a wooden spoon, mix butter into the mashed bananas in a large mixing bowl. Mix in the sugar, egg, and vanilla. Sprinkle the baking soda and salt over the mixture and mix in. Add the flour last, mix. Pour mixture into a buttered 4x8 inch loaf pan. Bake for one hour. Cool on a rack. Remove from pan and slice to serve. Enjoy! :)

p.p.s. "It starts with a WHOOO, and then you get REALLY crazy with the hips, sir!" Bartock's a winner.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Weekly Book Post/Review!

So, I read a book last week, but I haven't read any between then and now. My friend's gonna kill me for saying this, but it was pretty bad. I read: City of Bones by Cassandra Clare . If you are deeply in love with this book *cough* Lilly *cough* then I strongly suggest you stop reading. How would you feel about a book, if the only reason you were reading it was due to the possibility of one of the cutest couples ever, in this case, Jace and Clary, and then all of your dreams are shattered, because, approximately 6 chapters after a steamy make-out session, you find out that they are, in fact, RELATED! HOW SCREWED UP IS THAT?!?!?! INCEST IS NOT OK, MS. CLARE. IDK WHERE YOU'RE FROM, BUT IN THIS LOVELY COUNTRY, IT IS MOST DEFINITELY NOT!!! so, if you don't like incest, I wouldn't read this book. Also, like I said, that couple was my ONLY reason for reading. The characters weren't that great, the plot wasn't very exciting, the things that happened weren't very connected. They were kinda like a mini-series. Each chapter was its own little episode. And something totally random happened in each chapter. It was like The Magic Tree House series, if each book were a chapter. That's just my opinion! Don't hate! Cuz I'm sexy and i know it!



Just got back from a craft fair! YAAAAAAY! Got some nifty new earrings (i shall post a picture later) and 2 fabulous christmas gifts. One for my bffl with a fetish for something that i will never understand, and the other a cute little hat for the 8-year-old daughter of a family friend. I'll post a picture of that too, but the christmas gift for my friend cannot be posted, in case she sees it ;) Cuz I'm sexy and I know it!


p.s. check out to see not only my nifty lil earrings, but similar products from the same lady :)

p.p.s. how sad is it that i'm listening to christmas music right now? Glee Christmas Music: Volume 2


This blog is awesome-pawsum! It's gonna be about some books, and some other stuff, too. Ummm... ya. Lots of fun stuff. Cuz I'm sexy and I know it!
