Tuesday, November 15, 2011

La la la la la...

I'm super tired. yup. I really am. no joke. for realsies. and now i'm in french. started this post in history. i probably should've finished earlier, but there's not much to talk about. except that i'm tired. did i mention that? cuz i'm REALLY tired. true story. and i have a headache. and i may have double-booked myself. death by renee doesn't seem like a good way to go... cuz i'm sexy and i know it!



  1. where did the purple sock go! i want anwsers!


  2. wat??? that makes no sense... the sock is sexy and super awesome. i am one with the sock. we are sexy and we know it.

  3. when does james ever make sense???
    did he once and i missed it?

  4. i think he tries to make sense on alternate tuesdays and thursdays during the months with 27 or less days
